Backup Plan: Repos, Alts, EXE

It's pretty clear that authoritarianism and censorship is on the rise, on all fronts, and from what can be seen, any idea that push for the opposite gets attacked. That's why DEG Mods is running on Nostr, and that's why we're also writing this backup plan.


Wherever we can, we'll put DEG Mods' code on multiple repositories such as Github, and (github but on nostr). Below you can find the links where we've uploaded the site's code to.


With the repositories for DEG Mods is up on multiple places, we encourage people to take the code and duplicate it elsewhere. Fork it, change the design, remove or add systems and features, and make your own version. Below you can find links of alts that we've found.


One last push we'd like to do is to create a .exe that'll open up DEG Mods on your PC, as if you've opened the website normally, with almost all of the functionalities you'd expect (if not all). We want to do this so that in case there are no alternatives, or that they're getting shut down, then you can just rely on this instead. The link to it will be added here the moment it becomes available.

Built with Nostr by Freakoverse and Name. Check our Backup Plan.